You are a light that shines on those around you.
You are a beautiful, enchanted and whimsical spirit.
You are a gift.
I love you.
Happy Birthday.
Life in my own fishbowl.
Bombadee suggested to me yesterday how our lives/relationships over the past several months would make an interesting film. The plot would focus on friendships marred by a fine tapestry of deceit and web of lies leading to a climatic ending. We would market it as inspired by true events, allowing us to append (make up) what we want and avoid lawsuits. She did note “all we need in there is a murder an explosion and a sexy lesbian kiss somewhere”. Now that's what I'm talking about.
Next we started to cast our film. Bombadee made some suggestions and I came up with some picks. Our characters to cast would be:
Here are the actors I chose to play the above characters with the exception of The Cowboy and TaterTot. Any guesses on who I chose to play whom?
Number 8 is left blank as TaterTot was a difficult character to cast. After asking for suggestions at work, this is the pool of choices we put together. Which is your pick?
We also need a title for our film....
*Disclaimer: All character references in this post are meant to be humorous. Mr. Bombadee cannot perform the Vulcan Death Grip nor can my husband difuse a bomb. And, I'm pretty sure the midwest does not house any shark-infested waters. With that said, I hope you enjoyed it.
During the actual haircut, this expression never left his face and he barely moved:
He finally caught his reflection in the mirror and smiled:
SugarLips After:
Doody before:
Doody After - she was going for an "older look", I think it worked:
American Idol has beaten the Olympics in the ratings.
A conversation with my 10-year old daughter regarding boys. She received a bracelet and heart shaped box of chocolates from an admirer by the name of Eric. No other girls received a similar gift from Eric, only my Doody. As we are talking about this, she shares how Eric and his best friend both have crushes on her and have been fighting. She is hoping the best friend’s attentions will move to her friend Taylor to avoid any further conflict. I sit and listen to these tales calmly as my chest begins to ache with the thought of boys and my daughter, my daughter and boys. Thankfully when I asked her about having a boyfriend she said “I don’t think I’ll be ready until at least junior high”. I can breathe again, for now.
Vice President Dick Cheney’s declaration that the day he shot his friend in the face was the “one of the worst days of my life.” Personally I would think he should acknowledge it was one of the worst days of his friend’s life.
How easily I am able to liberate myself of a relationship gone sour. In the past it would have taken me months of gloom and guilt, trying to work it out. I went through that last year, I won’t do it again this year. I choose who to share my life with.
Turning 33 isn’t bothering me. Seriously.
I can still get jealous when it comes to my husband.
Someone who has unjustly labeled herself as a “fair weather friend”, I discovered is anything but. When I needed an ear this week, one was offered. Thank you.
Our federal tax return was deposited today. Here are our plans for the money, so far:
This still leaves us with a chunk of change…hope it doesn’t burn a hole in my pocket.
Yes, we decided to stay at the house with our friends, their children and parents. Will we have crazy fun? Will TaterTot drink too much? Will we have hot monkey sex? Will we have cocktails in the pool before noon? Will we stay out all night? Most likely answer to these questions and more is a yes.
So please dear friends, feel free to remind me I am in the presence of children if needed.
And, feel free to jump in the pool naked with us when they are sleeping.
Memorable moments, for me:
After reading Bombadee’s post yesterday, I kept count of some words used in the speech. Here is what I had at the end:
Terror/Terrorism/Terrorists: 17
Freedom: 15
WMD/Nuclear Weapons: 4
9/11: 2
Alas, he did not use either resolve or steadfast. No shots for me.