Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Son's Obsession

A battle of wills (not wits, dear Jane) took place in my household last night. In one corner, Mommy. In the other, SugarLips. My little Mr. Lips has discovered the world of Pixar animation. Nothing else matters; not food, not toys, not playmates. Only Buzz Lightyear or “Baa Light” as he is called by my 2-year-old (insert your own beer joke here). Every morning I wake up to him crawling on my head, shouting “Up…Mommy…up…more Baa…peas”. Immediately after we arrive home each evening he grabs a chair to reach the latch on the TV cabinet, hoping to get the magical machine that produces Baa Light to work for his tiny hands. I’m usually chasing him, trying to take off his hat and coat.

Jeff and I have decided to limit SugarLips to one movie per day. Since Jeff is home with him all morning, he is usually the hero who produces the beloved Buzz on the magic box. Mommy is the tyrant who says, “No more movies. Let’s read a book” as he screams, cries and stomps his feet.

Last night, after our typical tantrum I made dinner; macaroni & cheese and pork chops. Mr. Lips refused to sit at the dinner table. He just kept screaming “mo Baa”. His sisters and I sat at the table and ate, staring at his untouched plate of food. About an hour later, he asked to eat. I told him he had to sit at the table to eat. My son shot me a very serious look and said, “No”. He pulled one of his small chairs up to the coffee table in front of the TV, sat down, pointed at the table and said “Eat”. It would have been so easy to just hand him his plate and not feel guilty that I was starving my child, but I couldn’t do it. My refusal of his plan and insistence he sit at the dinner table brought on yet another tantrum. This went back and forth until 8:00 p.m., his bedtime. I was prepared to put him to bed without supper, but thought I should give him one last chance.

Mommy: “Isaac, are you hungry”
Isaac: “Yep”
Mommy: “Want some macaroni and pork chops?”
Isaac: “Yep”
Mommy: “Come sit at the table, and I will heat it up for you”
Isaac: “O-tay”

Isaac and I sat at the table and I airplane’d and choo-choo’d him every bite of his dinner.


Jenny said...

Buzz Light Year dinner plates

BoomBoom said...

I'll check that out at home, E-Bay is blocked at work.

I tried that with big boy pants too. I found pull-ups with Buzz and Woody on them and asked "Do you want to wear Buzz big boy have to pee pee in the potty."

His response: "Nope"

Anonymous said...

I have a pair of Buzz Lightyear underpants. Bet you didn't know that one could find a Buzz Lightyear thong, huh? Thank god for the internet.

I have a huge collection of Toy Story toys that I should pass along to you. For a long time, my family was under the impression that I collected Toy Story stuff.