A lively dinner discussion on the word "bitch" brought differing opinions to light.
"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" after all.
Fiesta Pie flashed her boob to the obvious enjoyment of Sweet Potato and Souffle.
A quick snapshot of some of the carcasses left in our wake.
My solo career was a blur...
Line 'em up...I can take it! (My favorite part of this one is Fiesta Pie's face: laughter or sheer terror?)
The picture behind the Casseroles is of the legendary Mary Jane.
There's another couple of orbs in thefirst photo on the right.
Alas I believe the ghosts killed my camera - it is done. I have to send it in for repairs it wont even turn on.
I'll bring your other one back on Sunday so you're not without.
I think this casserole night was deliciouse!
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