Friday, January 27, 2006

Hello, My Name is Jennie, and I'm a Democrat

I sat down at my PC this morning and saw an email from an old friend, subject line “Don’t Forget”. I immediately began thinking, “oh crap, what did I forget?” Maybe there is something fun coming up and she wants to remind everyone. As I eagerly open the email, I see it has several pics attached and it was forwarded from an even older friend who recently had a baby. Woo-hoo, baby pics! I’m even more excited.

My exhilaration is abolished as I open pic after pic of the World Trade Center. On fire, smoke pouring out, collapsing, the absence left behind. Then I scroll down and find stories bashing Vice President Gore and President Clinton.

Okay, let me make a few points perfectly clear:
  • I am a democrat who voted for Bill Clinton, twice, Al Gore and John Kerry.
  • I am a democrat because I believe in the equality of all people regardless of race, gender, spiritual belief, sexual orientation, handicap or any other defining characteristic that allows one to be who they are.
  • I am a Democrat because I hold sacred freedom of the press, TV, movie, music, art, religion. I believe in the power of one’s choice and ability to change the channel.
  • I am a Democrat because I fervently believe in the separation of church and state; religious extremists who want school-sanctioned prayers should be stopped, “In God We Trust” should be removed from all US currency, putting one’s hand on a bible to swear in before giving testimony in a court of law is absurd.
  • I am a Democrat because I believe in a strong military. Not only strong, but insightful and empathetic; ready to face the new challenges of modern conflict. We train soldiers for war and then expect them to be peacekeepers?
  • I am a Democrat because I believe in a women’s right to choose.
  • I am a Democrat because I believe in campaign finance reform. Today, will my opinion matter if I don’t pay for it?
  • I am a Democrat because I believe in the environment and conservation.
  • I am a Democrat because I believe the government’s role should be to maintain the military for defense against invasion, maintain a court system for ensuring justice and regulate and oversee the economy, not my morality.

September 11, 2001: Have I forgotten?

When I read the news everyday I feel sick when I see a headline that reads “Eleven Marines Killed”, wondering if Ben’s name will be found in the small print.

When my daughters come home from school and load up a box of their toys to donate to Iraqi children who are surrounded everyday in death and destruction I burst into tears.

When I receive monthly letters in the mail with our “evacuation route” because I live 3 miles from a nuclear plant it reminds me that if something were to happen, it wouldn’t really matter.

When I am at a high school sporting event and they play the national anthem I teach my girls to stand tall with their hands on their hearts, to remember there are men and women who are risking their lives to protect what that flag stands for as we eat popcorn and Starburst.

No I haven’t forgotten, but thanks for asking.


Jenny said...

Well said my dear. Did you respond with this?

Anonymous said...

*standing ovation* Although I'm "non partisan" (I don't care to define myself affiliated to a political party but rather to the beliefs that I hold as truths) I couldn't have stated my own sentiments better.