Today, I overhear Schweaty Man and another tech discussing crime and punishment. They are verbalizing their disdain that when the jails are too full some detainees are released to make room for others. Their solutions were to either a) put them all on an island or b) shoot them. I suddenly think I am in a room with either Charlton Heston or my step-father. They continue their discussion now on capital punishment. Schweaty Man shared his view on how someone convicted of rape should be dealt with. It went something like this…lock them in an outhouse, take a rusty nail and put it in an orifice to remain unnamed, give them a dull knife and set the outhouse on fire. At this point I begin calling out “Dad, dad…where are you…I can hear you, but can’t see you”.
Schweaty Man disregarded me with his comment “don’t mind her, she’s one of those huggers.” HELLO…does no one listen to me? I do not like huggers, they frighten me.
Doesn't anyone get me?

1 comment:
I used to be repeatedly incensed every time someone found out I was a liberal they would automatically assume I smoked the wacky-weed and was a pacifist. I always wished I could just slap them in the back of the head with my bong.
(kidding - I haven't owned a bong since Courtney Love turned pretty)
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