Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm Gay, OK?

So I'm reading Dr. Phil , because I never watch but always read, and the title of the show is "I'm Gay, OK?" His last guests were a young, ignorant couple with some concerns regarding their 4-year old son. Apparently he enjoys playing with dolls, staring at himself in the mirror, wearing his mother’s jewelry and high heels around the house, putting his hands on his hips and brushing his hair. They are very concerned he is "walking into a gay lifestyle" and his mother is a self-proclaimed homophobic.

I'm wondering...should I be concerned that my daughter Mimi is a lesbian because she likes to play in the mud with Hot Wheels? Does my daughter Doody’s desire to play sports mean she’s butch? My two-year old son, SugarLips, watches me put on my make-up and always asks for some “bush” (blush) on his cheeks…will he become a transsexual because I comply with his request? Was I not born a heterosexual, but chose to be based on my upbringing and selection of toys as a toddler?

I going to go out on a limb here and say no.


Anonymous said...

When my brother came home from kindergarten and announced that he had a girlfriend, my mother told him that he couldn't have a girlfriend until he had hair in his armpits. When he said that wasn't fair and asked if the same rule applied to me, Mom said, "Yes, Jane can't have a girlfriend until she has hair in her armpits either."

I don't think my mother was very concerned with how I turned out, either way.

BoomBoom said...

I can't wait to meet your mom.

Anonymous said...

I think she might come with on Saturday.