Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend: 2006

I just really wanted to put a link to Bombadee for the week, as she expressed my sediments exactly.

What have the Tot’s been doing?


Two family celebrations in two separate towns. Mine and Jeff’s family’s celebrate so differently. Jeff’s Mom prepares all of the food, you show up about an hour before the meal to look through the sale papers, eat, Mom and Sister Jenny do the dishes while I clean the meat off the bird (I can clean a bone like no one else!) and then you go home. It’s very nice, but short and to the point. My family gets together for holidays around noon and basically has a constant, never-ending smorgasbord of food that everyone pulls up to like a trough all day. Games, cards, pool, four-wheelin’ in the woods…this goes on until well past dark when the last of the overstuffed relatives are still playing Euchre next to the crackling fire in Uncle Bob’s living room. We managed to hit both.

Hair cuts and color for the kids and much needed giggles with the BlahZeeBlah’s followed by a fun filled afternoon and evening at the Bombadee’s. They had two tables going with games, food aplenty, and kids running circles. We played this awesome game called Scruples and I discovered that Mr. BlahZeeBlah is one of the most cunning men I know and Jenny is one of the most honest women I know. My son managed to take a dump in his pants while we were there and then on the way home I had to pull over so I could puke all of the wonderful food I had eaten in the ditch. Michelle’s homemade roasted garlic hummus does not taste as good coming up as it does going down.

Both Jeff and I: puke, puke, puke, diarrhea, puke, diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea.

Some relaxation, at last! Jeff cleaned the house and we put the tree up and all of the holiday decorations out. I studied for my second certification test for about four hours then took a break to watch the Bears (or should I say Grossman) lose the football game. Spent the rest of the evening snuggled up on the sofa listening to holiday tunes as the tree sparkled in the corner and the tiny figurines ice skated on my St. Nicolaus Square village atop the entertainment center.

It was a very busy and very wonderful holiday weekend (except for the puking and diarrhea, of course).


Jenny said...

So sorry about the pukes. A few of the girls on my team were out puking too this week.

(Spit twice and cross myself - knock wood).

Sir Seanface said...

I actually feel kind of guilty for not being honest on every question just so I could win the game. I'll chalk it up to strategy.