Tot & Wendy: The first person I ever skipped school with, it was in the sixth or seventh grade and we were totally busted...(be thankful Wendy, I almost scanned in pics from my 5th grade slumber party where we all dressed up in togas made from my mothers floral sheets and you had a bad perm and that contraption you wear across your face and head at night with braces...)

This pic could sum up our entire evening...continuous pee-your-pants laughter
1991: Flash, Jeel, E and Pief
2006: Matt, Jill, Erika and Jennie
Not quite sure what Jill and I were doing here, but it should have been my first indication to stop drinking...open bars at class reunions are not the best idea. (Doesn't it look like I have horns growing out of my head in this pic...it took me a minute to realize it was the persons behind me ears)
This picture cracked me up when I noticed Dean flippin' me off in the background.
What I would have given for Matt to put his tongue on me in high school...I had to wait 15 years.
We really should get together more often guys, I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. Love you Mark!
This is a picture of a girl that I was stalking with my camera all night asking everyone "Who the fu** is that?"...it should have been another indication that I had too much to drink. All of my old classmates must think I've become a raging alcoholic. After looking at it again though, I still have no idea who the fuck it is.
The TaterTots.
looks like fun! my 20 year is coming up in '08. i went to an all girls catholic highschool, and didn't hang out with any of them except for marcie. there are a couple of girls i've run into and now we have a relationship, but for the most part, high school was just school for me.
i'm planning on going just to see what everyone looks like now. but as for the catching up and having a good time with the gang ... non-existant!
Love the pictures! You really captured what a good time everyone had.
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