Thankfully Jeff and I made arrangements to meet up with our old pals E and Mr. E at a local brewery before the reunion was slated to begin. We arrived first and ordered a couple of beers and chips with salsa as we sat uncomfortably on the same side of the booth in anticipation of our cohorts (I always find that odd, when couples share the same side of a booth at restaurants with the other side empty). After about ten minutes the phone rang; E calling to tell me there couldn’t find the place. With some quick directions, my excitement grew knowing we would be running towards each other within in moments; arms in the air, fingers wiggling and that high pitch screech chicks make when they are about to hug (yes…she is the ONLY person I do that with). It was so wonderful to see them again. It’s funny how you can not hang out an old friend for years, but when you do it’s as if you were driving around town drinking swigs from a bottle of Bacardi with Bandits in your mouth only yesterday. (Don’t ask) We laughed our asses off when our embrace finally broke and it dawned on us we were both wearing dark denim jeans paired with brown blazers and heels. Not only that, but as Jeff walked up to join in the merry greetings he and Mr. E were both sporting dark button up collared shirts with pinstripes. I shit you not. We must have both shopped in the “15 Year Class Reunion” section of the store.

1 comment:
You two almost have the same glasses!
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