Thursday, September 28, 2006

Further Delays Expected...

Still working on the Vegas pics post, Blogger is being a dick and only letting me upload once every four to five hours. It will most likely go up sometime next week. I didn’t take as many pics as I thought I would and had difficulty picking which ones told the story of my trip. I tried, but had trouble writing a post describing my experience and was hoping to just let the pictures do it for me. You’ll have to let me know if they leave you satisfied or wanting more. Actually, that is a good way to sum up my Vegas Vacation; it left me satisfied AND wanting more. I’m a walking contradiction.

In the meantime, I am off work tomorrow and spending the day rummage sale-ing at the parental units All Tiny Town Garage Sales with my bestest pal. Mom and I are even putting a sale on at her house this weekend and have so much “stuff” to sell its ridiculous (what were we thinking?) We will see how the TaterTot reacts when someone pulls up in a Lexus and tries to barter my $50 sweater from the marked price of 75¢ to a quarter. I may have to oil up and throw the bitch down. My humor has been noticeably absent all week and my patience is thin.

1 comment:

punkymom said...

Do you have alot of sweater's that a bitch in a Mitsibishi Montero whom wouldn't barter your Mom down would like?