Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Me Me Me Me, Too!

Inspired by (and blatantly plagiarized from) Bombadee.

A Johari Window is a metaphorical tool intented to help people better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships.

A Nohari Window is the inversion of the Johari window, and is a collection of negative personality traits instead of positive.

Plus it's a fun way to get the people that read your blog and even some that don't to comment on your personality. So without further ado let the judging begin! No really it'll be fun. You don't even have to give your name, just enter "Anonymous" so I can spend the next several days trying to figure out who called me a callous, insensitive, mature extrovert. Then we will oil up and throw down...cause them there's fightin' words, beeyatch!

Here is my Johari Window and my Nohari Window.
(Don't cheat and look at how I described myself first.)

Make one for yourself, post your link and I'll return the favor!


punkymom said...

So I tried to do both but the Nohari window really didn't have any words that I felt described you and honestly the only things I could think of that maybe thought as a negative about you are the the things I love about you, Loud& Crude because I don't feel you use them inappropriately!

BoomBoom said...

You don't know me well enough yet PunkyMom....just wait!

Jenny said...

I had the same problem as Angelina so I put all the faults that I like you for:

vulgar (yeah you swear)
chaotic (only when were out)
loud (Nnot really)
self-satisfied (nothing wrong with that)
overdramatic (aren't we all?)

BoomBoom said...

Should I mention that I have been a bit overindulgent with the self-satifaction since you lent me that've created a monster.

~wink wink~

Jenny said...

Nothing like a good book.

There are several more in that series.

BoomBoom said...

I may not have the strenght for another one...

punkymom said...

Ladies and I use this term loosly!
I need a copy too!