So here I am this morning going through folders of pictures and can I find even one that I like? Hell no. Therefore, I think I will take a vote. Which of the following do you like best?
Choice A (this is the one I am using now)

Choice B

Choice C

Choice D

Choice E

Choice F

Choice G

Choice H

Choice I

Ok, choices D & G aren't me (they're my Sister Stephanie)...a girl can pretend can't she.
i like the one you picked, but the last one is pretty right up there too! i keep thinking that i should put a pic on my do-dad too, but then i put so many damn pictures of myself up anyway, one would ask why. so, there's my vote sassy girl!
I'm leaning towards Choice I myself. The top one, that I am using now, looks too posed to me.
I just realized, what does it say about me and my life if my biggest dilema right now is "which picture of me do you like best"???
I like the one you're using and I also like choice C. It makes me want to giggle because that the face you make when you are giggling.
Choice E is the best, you look great in all of them though, of course!
Anonymous? Who are you?
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