Friday, May 26, 2006

Random Thought Consolidation

I take two steps forward, you take two steps back: Richard Petty.

Schweaty Man tells me how when the Dixie Chicks are on the radio or TV he promptly changes channels, but was first in line to see Tom Cruise's MI3.

All Senegal needs now is some spandex, sequined lightening bolts and vein-pumping, saliva-producing language skills.

Hey Bombadees, Blahzeeblah's, PunkyMom's...interested in a "friendly" vacation next year?

Cheater, cheater donut eater.

I'll add more throughout the day...if anything proves interesting enough to share.


noncommon said...

who the hell is schweaty man? and why on earth do you have to deal with someone this ignorant? please tell me he's not important in your world. i'm gonna be quiet now.

BoomBoom said... don't know Schweaty Man...that's right, you're new to my blog. He's the republican, reservist, homophobic, boy scout leader, fan of all things Toby Keith PC Tech who sits directly across from me at work that I get in all of the Rubberband Wars with.

For having VERY, VERY little in common, we actually get along quite well. I like to think I might someday convince him to turn from the dark side, for I do see good in him.

noncommon said...

isn't it amazing when you can have some form of a relationship with people you see nothing eye to eye on? i believe that's only because the relationship has limits. were you to interact with him in the world outside work, he'd probably infuriate you to the point of contemplating murder. just keep working on him. especially on that whole toby keith fiasco. uggggghhhh. gross!

BoomBoom said...

I found that to also be true of *some* virtual acquaintances. There have been people I really like online, as we seem to have loads to talk about via keyboard and then you get them in person and they are either annoying as hell or you seem to have nothing to say. I guess when you think about it, all relationships have limitations in one way or another. Whether or not the relationship will continue can be solely based on your (or their) ability to either overcome those limitations or learn to thrive knowingly in their presence.

Holy crap...look at that. I got all "deep" on you there.

I'm in a mood today. At least that's what everyone has been telling me.

Jenny said...

Vacation? If you want to go topless lets go to Cannes and show our cans! If we went during the film festival Mr. BlahZeeBlah would definately go.

Jenny said...

We could stay here

BoomBoom said...

Let's be honest here Jenny...if all we wanted to do was go topless, it wouldn't take anything more than a few cosmo's and a "double dog dare".

noncommon said...

getting back to the deep topic with our shirts on. :) marcie and i were discussing this exact same thing the other day. it seems like there are likenesses with certain people, but if you were to meet them in real life.....? and then there are things that come out in posts that you go, hmmmmmmmm, maybe this person wouldn't like me because i do that! (what they just said they hated!) oh well, it's like anything, it's a crap shoot. i figure as long as someone isn't arrogant, swings to the left of liberal, is nice to animals, doesn't think their kids are along for the ride, and understands that sometimes life is hypocritical, then we'll get along. and even if they like toby keith, we just promise not to discuss that aspect. :) and i'll stop rambling now. i'm so damn tired. goodnight!

punkymom said...

Nick hates Hedonism, we started to walk their beach on our honeymoon it was down 2 resorts from ours, and all you saw was very ugly men with scary long limpies with trophy wives that looked like the Desperate Housewives casts. Cannes(love to!) Beaches family resort, Atlantis, A Rosey Cruise, Africa, NY, San Fran/Berkley,Seatle,Denver, FL, Hawaii....
As for heated Political discussions I took on my Mother and 3 of her obviously Republican Coworkers Thurs during a lunch date in their office, They started talking about the Dixie's and the award show and Reba turning on them and how thats what they get for speaking out against the war and the President(basically calling them traitors),saying those poor soldiers hearing those girls don't support them, and Elvis always stayed neutral on his political opinions. I calmly flipped my lid(no really I did) Why is it that if you don't support Bush and his reasoning for the war you automatically don't support our troops, I don't think this is true of these women, I think they are like alot of people whom feel awful because they are torn between protecting their country and if they don't where will their convictions take them, But I find it amazing that suddenly with THIS President we are no longer allowed to say anything against him but with past Presidents it was ok. I also added that I think stars today feel they are more socially resposible and that they can bring forth changes by using who they are to get things done and by speaking out themselves they are giving voices to others and telling them don't be afraid he hasn't arrested me under false charges yet, but hey I'm sure we're on the watch list!!