Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Picture Tour

Where I have been?

Where haven't I been in the past week feels like the more appropriate question? Life is going at a rapid pace these days and luckily my camera has tagged along.

First, Boyfriend Brian graduated with his Bachelors of Science in Finance from NIU:

Sister Stephanie and Boyfriend Brian

Then, my Sister Sara came home from Arizona for a visit and we planted a huge family garden:

Sister Sara's Ass

SugarLips with Poppy's

Then, Doody performed in the 5th & 6th Grade Spring Concert:

Doody, with Flute

Sugar and Mimi

Sister Stephanie graduated with her Bachelors of Science in Health Science from Benedictine University. She heads to St. Ambrose University in the fall to obtain her Doctorate of Physical Therapy.

Sister Sara, Sister Stephanie and TaterTot

Mimi, The Graduate, Doody

We then celebrated Sister Stephanie's 22nd birthday where I thought I was the coolest sister EVER for buying her four pair of kick-ass pumps:

But was surpassed by Sister Sara's gift of a round-trip ticket to visit her in Arizona:

Doody with Aunt Sara

I did download the pictures from our Casseroles evening and let's just say some real careful consideration needs to be put into what will and what will not be shared with the entire world (or at least the dozen or so people who read this blog). Here is a sample to wet your appetite:


noncommon said...

oh my god - i want more! what the hell are you doing to her boob? seeing if it will deflate? or trying to mimick the sound it makes? funny, funny, funny!

i like the shoes better!

Jenny said...

Ok - I feel it's my job to explain... You see I am still nursing Ella but only at night and so if I go out in the evening with the Casseroles Dan puts Ella to bed without any "more-more" and as a consequence the boobs grow and get uncomfortable and some people then feel the need to... well poke at them.

(I actually ended up in the bathroom of the pool hall dumping milk - If I had a picture of that, it'd be my entry for Mother of the Year Award)

I still want those pumps in fuscia.

BoomBoom said...

One small correction there...

No "need" was felt to poke rather I was invited to I poked. Who gets an invitation to poke a boob and then turns it down?

I have an even better shot when I compared the left to the much fuller right.

We have mutually decided that the camera should no longer be in the handbag on Casserole night. We are either getting more reckless or more drunk with each passing month.

BoomBoom said...

Aren't the pumps in Pumpkin great? I still pissed I didn't pick myself up a pair when I was shopping.

BoomBoom said...

And thank you Cameo, I though the pumps were rocken with Dokken.

Jenny said...

Yes, I invited. I admit it. Sometimes the lopsided booby phenomenon is something that must be poked to appreciate. I guess the face Tater Tot is making is the appreciation of the loppy booby in all it’s strangeness.

Rocken with Dokken… that makes me laugh hard.

Jenny said...

I think we chased Cameo away.

BoomBoom said...

Alas, I cannot take credit for the "Rocken with Dokken"...I stole the phrase from Mrs. Blahzeeblah.

Cameo, Cameo...come back! We promise to play nice.

noncommon said...

i'm back!! i went a saw gigi, then watered the flowers, folded laundry, did laundry, took care of the baby, i had to go to work, and the boys had their shows tonight. and there's something else, but i can't tell you now.

i can handle rough housing. you can't scare me!