Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Random Things I Read on the Internet Today That Caught My Attention

Three Arrested, Man Shot in 'Baby Shower Gone Bad - The argument, over whether the woman let their 5-year-old daughter drink beer, escalated and drew in two other people.”

“Lazy Mole Rats Serve Their Queens Through Sex”

"I didn't want to divorce him, I just couldn't fix him."

"Sometimes, I just felt worthless. I needed men in my life to validate me and make me feel like I was loved."

“If I do engage in any sexual activity with Flavor Flav or any other Participants or otherwise, I do so entirely at my own risk, and understand and acknowledge that the risk of engaging in such activity includes, among other things, the risk of contracting any type of sexually transmitted disease, including, without limitation, HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), chlamydia, scabies (crabs), hepatitis, genital warts, etc.”

“And if you're telling yourself, 'Can I turn this into a relationship?' You're loving dumb. He asks her why she can't tell him no. 'I guess I just have hope,' Jeannie says. 'I keep thinking one day he's going to get it.' 'Aren't you settling too cheap?' Dr. Phil asks. 'You don't spell desperate H-O-P-E.'"

"Is it possible that you're mourning the loss of the girl you wish she had been, instead of the girl she really was?"

“I remember thinking, I’ve got to figure this out. What’s normal? Am I normal? Who’s to say what’s normal? I didn’t understand what ’normal’ is. It still doesn’t make sense.”

“I have two identities. Two lives almost. Over the past year they cropped up. Both are very much ‘me’ and not some fantasy land I live in, but I cant help but feel the effects of both existing.”


Jenny said...

That's why baby showers should just be BYOB then no one gets mad when you waste the beer in the 5 year old. (LOL)

Where do I get some lazy mole rats?

Validation - sad sad sad. Love self first, that's Life 101!

Flavor Flav - I can't stop looking

I like the phrase "Loving dumb", I'll tuck that one away for later.

So many people mourn the loss of an ideal. I've seen it over and over.

What in the world were you reading today?

BoomBoom said...

The "normal" quote was actually Tom Cruise.

The dual identities quote came from another I believe I found linked on your site.

Jenny said...

We should put these things in "The Book"