I had been craving some good bread, wine and cheese in recent weeks so after the Red Shoe Run on Saturday I took the opportunity while in The City to stop by Panera Bread. I picked up their lovely Asiago Cheese Loaf and Rosemary & Onion Foccia. I’m lucky they don’t have one of these delightful establishments in my Small Smug Town, or I would weigh considerably more. I stopped by the market and picked up some apples, Smoked Gouda, Smoked Swiss, Herbed Havarti and Sutter Home White Zinfandel (all my favorites). It was a feast of delicious proportions.
Following some good conversation, a few bouts of unexpected tears and several bottles of wine, we found ourselves restless and in need for something a little crazy to occur. Green Bean graced my skin with some of her original art as seen below. (I’ve been showering for days and the remnants are still apparent, by the way.)
At this point I passed my camera around the table and asked everyone to take a self-portrait; you’ll see the results below. These always turn out to be the funniest (and sometimes worst) pictures. Then, and for the life of me I can’t remember who, someone took a picture of their cleavage. What happened then you ask? Well, in good Casserole and sisterly fashion we all decide to follow suit. These shots have inspired me to create “The Casseroles Guess That Cleavage” game. I attempted to hide our eyes in an effort to protect the innocent (yeah...right).

By the way, to the girl in the red bra (you know who you are)…
nice rack.
Is it bad if I don't know which one is me?
I think I do.....
Why thank you:) Nice blog! You are a riot.
Okay, I was there and I don't even know who had the red bra on. But at least I know which ones are mine. Great photo of them by the way. I didn't know my bra worked that well. What kind of quiz are we going to have next time?
By the way, why do they have the goofy word verification? It seems kind of silly. And heaven forbid if you enter them in wrong. You'd think I was trying to log on to some top secret National Security site or something. Good greif!
That is to cute! It was a very fun night. But you can barly see my growing clevage, alittle diappointed, since I am so proud! LOL
I actually blogged, but it was erased when I went to publish it(in mine) But I do have one article that I read again, and glad I did. http://bewarewecare.blogspot.com
There is my blog, I will try to blog and not have them erased. Any suggestions why that happened? Thanks!
I will take a lead here by Bombadee and turn off word verification...
As to what is happening when you try to post to your blog, it's hard to predict without seeing what you are doing. Do you have the option to Publish Post or Save as Draft?
Spam spam spam spam spammity spam! Ha ha your word verification is gone and now I shall try and sell you useless mindless drivel and spam. - just kidding, I'm keeping all the spam I have for breakfast.
I would spew if I ate spam.
I was impressed my husband actually was confused he thought greenbean's were mine!!! woohoo!!!
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