Monday, February 13, 2006

Weekend Synopsis: Multiple Shopping Orgasms

Friday Night:

Dinner out with the kiddos and my folks at this great restaurant in what will be their new, very small, home town called The Pinecricker. The food was fabulous and affordable, two of my favorite things.

Dropped off final payment to Aunt Teenie Weenie for our living room furniture. I love not owing family money.


Doody’s basketball tournament was all day. After four teams played six games, her team was the only one undefeated. She ended her fifth grade season with a 1st place trophy. The second half of the last game, her team was ahead by 15 points and feeling pretty secure. My tiny daughter was the only member of the team who did not make a basket all season. Jeff and I were sitting in the stands right behind the team bench and overheard the coach tell them at half time to get the ball to Abi, it was her time to shine. I had a hard time sitting through the rest of the game with the large lump that moved into my throat as I heard her teammates cheer, “You can do it, Abi”. She attempted twice, but missed both. She may have finished the season with no baskets, but what she did have was worth so much more. Friends.

Shopping, shopping, shopping. Duchess Jane and I hit the town and spent some serious money. Best Buy, Old Navy, Target, Circuit City, Bergner’s, Marshall Fields and other various mall stores. We had a wide variety of discussions/discoveries, i.e. TaterTot has an uncanny ability to look marvelous in all style of sunglasses, back fat needs to be considered in the purchase of all formal wear, “smoother-outers” are a necessary evil, Jane looks magnificent in low cut plum trimmed in antique gold and amethyst beading, earrings circa 1982 are back in, and size 18 pants without a tapered leg can be more elusive than sasquatch.

Eating, eating, eating. Jane and I over indulged ourselves with the 3-course meal special at TGIF’s. Whoever decided to marry the decadence of Cinnabon’s and cheesecake was a genius. Once again, we sat at a table and talked for hours as I shredded a wooden skewer into a pile of splinters.


I went out for breakfast with parental units and Stephanie, followed by six hours of packing at the cabin. Strange items my parents use as decorations I found myself packing: beaver skull, antique stone pulleys, ceramic banana boy, antique shears, horse harness, antique enamel basins and a variety of animal skins including beaver, deer, cougar, minks, rabbit and coyote.

More shopping. Finally found some pants but had to settle for a slightly tapered leg. I did discover that in Lee Eased Fit Stretch khaki’s I can easily fit into a size 16. My vanity has no bounds…I bought two pair for that reason alone. New discovery: Curvations bras, spokesperson Queen Latifah. I finally found a pushup bra designed for busty women. Look out America, Tot’s cleavage is now on display!


Jenny said...

Tell Doody Congratulations!!!!

Jenny said...

And congratulations on the 16, can't wait to look at your new booty.

BoomBoom said...

Its got to be that pants. I still wear an 18 in everything else.

Nice pants, huh?