Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Shiny Happy People...

I have made a decision. The only way for me to break free of the downer, pessimistic state I have been lingering in for days now is to pull myself out. Yes, my pal Ben will spend his daughters first Christmas in Iraq, but he doing something that is important to him and part of who he is. Not that his presence there is more or less important than his presence here, but it is the choice he has made and I respect that. It’s my privilege to know someone who has sacrificed so much for their convictions.

I miss my sister that I cannot change. Her move to Arizona paralyzed my family and the unexpectedness of it still stings. While she will not be at my home for Christmas Eve, she will be in my thoughts all day. I look forward to her arrival on the 27th and will savor every moment of time she’ll be “home”.

My pal Green Bean has been feeling blue, wanting to pause time with her dearest LaLa. I am familiar with this desire, dear friend, and can only offer you the assurance that the experiences and moments you share will only multiply and become more and more and more precious. It is very difficult, but ultimately rewarding, to live and delight in the now. I still struggle with this myself, but am making an honest effort to stop longing for yesterday and forecasting tomorrow. (There has to be some famous quotes for that concept.) And your brother, while heartbroken, is very lucky to have such a sister.

My plan is to have each entry this week be brighter than the last. As I typed this entry, I have been singing “Shiny happy people holding hands” silently to myself. If that’s not effort, I don’t know what is.


Jenny said...

I'm singing with you. PS are we having Cosmo's Thursday night?

BoomBoom said...

I'm starting to feel a bit sad Jen...you haven't returned any of the three emails I have sent you this week.

Jenny said...

I'm sorry, I'm loosing my head. I'm back today and I'm all yours.

Neo said...

TT -Cheer up. It could be worse right? (hmmm whatever that means)

We all get in a funk sometimes. Do something that makes you laugh. Laughing is the key to turning it around.


- Neo