Thursday, November 03, 2005

People...People Who Need People

TaterTot: (singing) People...people who need people...are the luckiest people...

Suddenly the Tater notices Schweaty Man looking at her either perplexed, disgusted or a little of both.

TaterTot: You don't know this song? It's Barbra Streisand's famous tune People.
Schweaty Man: No.
TaterTot: Not a Barbra Streisand fan, huh?
Schweaty Man: No, I'm not gay.
TaterTot: I'm not gay and I'm a fan.
Schweaty Man: I'm not a woman either.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

My step dad likes Barbara and he's a pipe-fitter/hunter/beer swillin'/tobacco chewing/fishin'/punch ya in the eye ex-marine/man's man. But his total fav. is Celine Dion. I totally wouldn't tease him about it either.