Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Lunchtable Comment

Earnhardt Jr. Fan (hearing strange slurping sounds): "Jennifer, are you making love to your jello?"

If the jello could only be so lucky.


Jane said...

So Earnhardt Jr. Fan is a recurring character? Cool.

What is your method of Jello eating that results in so much slurping? Don't you use a spoon?

I'm having a lot of interesting visuals going on here. Junior Fan has a mullet, right? And how big is this container of Jello?

BoomBoom said...

Mullet, no. Recurring, yes.

I have not yet been able to stop eating jello like a four year old. I put it on the spoon and then suck it off, pulling the jello in through the gap between my top two teeth.

I couldn't decide which was funnier...his choice of words (make love) or his belief that that is what it actually sounds like.

BoomBoom said...

The jello was a small snack pack...Sugar Free and only 10 calories.

Jenny said...

We used to suck it up through a straw making a terrible slurping noise that made us laugh like mad. This activity was only allowed at Grandma's house.

Anonymous said...
