Monday, October 17, 2005

Twenty Random Facts About Me

So I can feel part of my new sisterhood of bloggers, I will now share twenty random things about myself. Thanks for all of your help Duchess Jane and Bombadee.

  1. I was once told by a psychic I had bad car karma. On the way home from the reading my husband called to tell me the engine had just blown in my Grand Am.
  2. I am unable to wear mascara as my eyelashes go straight down and mascara renders me blind.
  3. I complain when my husband pinches my butt in public, but secretly love it.
  4. I envy my kid sister with her pretty smile, tight ass and killer boobs.
  5. Every night before I go to bed, I kiss my children and smell them. I find their aroma intoxicating.
  6. I haven’t bitten my fingernails in years and have recently picked the habit up again.
  7. I am an incredibly loyal friend, and
  8. I am not someone you want as your enemy.
  9. I have two freckles on the palm of my left hand.
  10. My opinion on religion changes from year to year. Am I Christian, atheist, agnostic…hell if I know. Ask me tomorrow.
  11. I do not care to cuddle following sex. I prefer to roll over and go to sleep.
  12. I once had a “connection” with Barry Manilow.
  13. My favorite holiday is All Hallow’s Eve.
  14. I have a nasty temper that I am able to manage, most of the time.
  15. My husband is way cuter than I deserve, a fact I enjoy very much.
  16. My hands rarely sit still. I am known for tearing napkins into tiny pieces at restaurants.
  17. When I laugh really hard I have trouble not peeing my pants.
  18. I took my first set of braces off in the neighbor’s garage with a pair of pliers.
  19. When I was seven years old Mr. Moustache made fun of my name on his local TV show and I cried.
  20. I compulsively re-read everything I type to the point where I have to delete some things in order to stop.


Anonymous said...

Ohmygod, I can't get over the braces one. Wasn't that painful? How did your parents keep from killing you?

BoomBoom said...

Not only was I in no trouble for it, but my parents paid for my second set of braces when I was 22 years old.

It didn't hurt that bad, but I've been told I have a pretty high pain tolerance.

Anonymous said...

Oh good grief.

I keep forgetting to mention this, but ever since you Guest Blogged for me, I've had an almost uncontrollable urge to run towards you screaming while waving my fingers in the air and then hug you every time I see you.

BoomBoom said...

I wouldn't recommed it :)

Anonymous said...

See, that makes me want to do it even more. Oh, the temptation.

BoomBoom said...

Always wanting what we can't have, huh?

I personally LOVE temptations. Rarely do I act on them, but I love 'em all the same. I have found when I do act on my temptations they quickly lose their appeal, and its the appeal and yearning I enjoy most.