Monday, October 24, 2005

Sisters, Sisters...There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters

Following much internal debate, I have decided to give one of my family members the address to this blog site. Several of them have gotten wind of the fact this site exists and have not been pleased when I decline to give the address. Their first reaction, to be expected I guess, is "Why not? Do you bad mouth your family on it?" You would think they know by now that if I have something negative to say about them, I have no reservations saying it directly to them. Some people never learn.

Why keep it secret? Maybe I just like the idea of remaining slightly anonymous for awhile. Maybe I relish in the power of knowing I have something others want. Maybe I want to talk about my sex life and would feel weird mentioning my husband’s “magic hands” knowing my mother would read it. I can see the “Oh, Jennifer” look on her face now just thinking about it. Maybe I just suck at sharing.

My sister called me yesterday afternoon and asked me what the address was, telling me how she had been searching for 45 minutes to no avail. Following many refusals, she finally retreated and I could sense the disappointment in her voice as she said goodbye. I suddenly realized what I tell my girls all the time…there is nothing more important than sisters. So with the promise she will not give my secrets to our parents, I have decided to share. But remember dear sis, the five-year rule is up on many things I know about you and will retaliate if warranted.

Just to keep in the spirit of “sisters” I have also decided to include a picture of her that she may not have chosen to post on the Internet…but what the hell…I have to retain my power in some capacity.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

My mom reads your blog (and mine and Duchess Jane's). I told her if she happens to read anything incriminating that she should just pretend that she didn't read it when she sees me. She replied "If I read anything incriminating, I'll just assume you were spicing up your blogs by lying" I Love my Mom.