I know I promised something positive, but Jeff called me at work around 10:00 a.m. to let me know SugarLips had a 102.5 temperature. He brought him up here to the TLC Sick Bay, the ill child daycare at my place of employment, where at last check he was napping peacefully following a lunch of Mac N' Cheese and oranges. Nothing serious, just a weirdly high fever and running nose. I'm pretty lucky...the Sick Bay is run by my Mom's best friend whom I have known over 15 years. Mr. Lips is in great, and trusted, hands.
Poor guy, I hope he's back to his jolly ol' self soon.

Awww, poor baby. I hope he's feeling better soon!
The Sick Bay is a nice thing to have. When I was little and sick, I always ended up at my great-grandma's house. Which was fun, if you like the smell of sauerkraut and Ben Gay (Bengay? BenGay? how the hell is that spelled?)
Yes - it's awesome. They treat the kids like gold, it's run by RN's, and you can go up and check on them whenever you want.
By the way, my word verification for this comment is "byobym". Interesting...
So how's the tyke this morning?
He's doing great, but his sister Doody is on her way up. Migraine and vomiting.
I can't catch a break.
Migraine as a result of some other illness or migraine all by itself? I'm definitely the childhood migraine expert, if you need some suggestions.
Her dad has suffered from migranes his whole life and it looks like Abi is going to follow in his shoes. We have seen many specialists, had her tonsils and adenoids removed...but she still gets them from time to time. I have never had one so they are hard for me to imagine. They sound and look horrible.
I'm going to email you. This has been my personal hell for so long, I want to help other kids avoid what happened to me!
How's Sugar Lips? Im on day 3 and the snot is finally subsiding.
He's doing much better, stayed home today and should be heading to daycare. Let's hope I don't get a call at work to come pick him up.
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