Madame Tussaud's

Captian Jack and Tot, a fantasy fulfilled
(well, not really...he was made of wax afterall)
"For I can't help...falling in love with you..."
Lovin' my country roots with Tim McGraw
Just another notch on Mr. Hefner's bed post...but one he'll never forget
Finally, I get to tell George W. what I'd like to in person
LOVE IT!! Now your on THE LIST too, I have been since his first administration.
johnny depp - ummmmmm
jenna jameson - do they have her out for all to see? i would really hope not.
bush - i love you tot. you are the bestest person on the planet. you are too cool for words. felt good didn't it?
Jenna is out for all those who pay the admission fee to see...and there is not age requirement. My guess is that is why her nip's are strategically hidden behind her arms, not that she leaves much to the imagination by simply hiding her nipples.
Flippin' off Bush felt great. I was surrounded by patrons proud of my actions and some digusted by them.
Thanks for passing on the message to Bush!
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