While we may all have different types of celebrities we choose to secretly long for, we can all sit around a table once a month and share and giggle and concur and oppose and just simply be.
That's where the good stuff really lies, isn't it? Just being.
My (not so secret) celebrity crushes:

Now, I am admittedly not usually a Brad Pitt kind of girl...but I saw these pics of him and for some strange reason when he's wearing a party dress or ballgown I find him a bit irresistible.

I tried to find those pics yesterday and couldn't.
Pretty hot, eh?
I don't know, While I enjoy these pics I think I prefer the Vegas style Pitt from Oceans 12
Vegas Pitt 1
Vegas Pitt 2
Vegas Pitt 3
What can I say - I'm a sucker for a good suit.
But by far this is my prefrence
I guess it's boyish good looks in a taylored suit for me
Oh - plus you must brood in black and white
4 of my 9 posted pics are black and white...I had a great black and white one of Angelina Jolie I almost posted too. It's a great shot of her with no shirt on from behind. You can't even see her face, but my gawd is that woman freakin' hot hot hot!
My favorite hot woman is
I am mezmerized by her mouth when she talks. (either)
Very nice...looking at the Gina Gershon pics, that woman is quite bendy.
I've definitely got a thing for Brad Pitt, a little bit of a thing for Jack Black, used to have a thing for Chris Farley (guess it's the teddy bear appeal), used to also have a thing for Captain Picard on Star Trek (love a good bald head), Tyson Beckford is delicious, Selma Hayek also, and maybe Mathew McConaughey.
Sorry but ME TOO on all of yours. I also like that guy who Maggie G. is going to marry...Skarrsgard or something. Totally hot, with some sort of southern drawl. I can also add Kevin Spacey and Wentworth Miller *(who is so my boyfriend)* to my list. Hmmm...Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen (especially in GI Jane) and HUGH JACKMAN, in leather pants of course.
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