Thursday, May 04, 2006

This Is TaterTot, Can I Help You?

For those of you who may not know, I work at a healthcare organizations I.T. Helpdesk. Problem with your computer or one of the hundreds of applications we utilize? Call TRAC (Technology Resource Assistance Center), and you may get me. As is the case for most IT departments, we are located in the basement; no windows, gray paint, millions of cords hanging from desks and along floors. There are four of us who actually answer the phones, troubleshoot calls, resolve issues or escalate them to the PC Technicians. The ever popular Schweaty Man is the PC Tech who sits directly across from me. At any given time, I will have 10-12 windows open on my computer, several PC’s on my desk in the process of being imaged and a large cup of coffee. This is my desk (that's Schweaty Man in the background):

To pass time between calls, if there is any, we will often partake in The Rubberband Wars. Open my top desk drawer and you will find some of my necessities; oatmeal, lotion, cold medicine and arsenal of ammo.

These are pictures of me 40 pounds heavier that I have posted on the printer right next to me. It reminds me to say decline the assembly line of donuts, bagles, cake, cookies, etc.

I would like to recommend NOT saying any of the following if you should ever call TRAC and get me on the phone:

TRAC: Good morning, TRAC, this is Jennie, can I help you?
a. I don’t know, can you?
b. I certainly hope so.
c. Pfffft….probably not.

USER: So if my computer isn’t working, do I get to go home?

TRAC: Let me remote in and see what you’re seeing. What’s your PC name?
a. Bob
b. Fred
c. I call it a big pile of sh…

I would also like to recommend to anyone who wants to work in a modern day health system, you learn the following basic terms/phrases/actions:

  • Mouse: Right Click, Double Click
  • Monitor (no, we don’t call it a TV screen)
  • Window: Close, Minimize, Maximize
  • Toolbar: Dropdown Menu
  • Taskbar
  • Username/Password: Case Sensitive, Alpha-Numeric, Minimum

Trust me, you’d be surprised with some of the calls I get.


noncommon said...

i was probably one of the calls you got. actually, i'm kidding, but i did look over the term list you suggest we know, and i don't know what the task bar is. i think i do, but i'm not for sure. don't hate me becasue i'm computer illiterate. i'm real good when it comes to ballet terms and their meanings. does that amount to anything?

Jenny said...

I love getting a view into your 'other life' that I'm not part of.

BoomBoom said...

Task Bar is the bar at the bottom with your Start button, active windows, clock, etc.

And I, for one, would never underestimate the importance of ballet terms and their meanings...but should admit I don't know the difference between a Plie and Pas de Chat (thank goodness for Google).

BoomBoom said...

Isn't that amazing considering how close of friends we are - I don't talk about work much. Up until about a month ago when I asked, I did not know what Mr. Bombadee did for a living. He was always like Chandler from Friends. We all knew he went to work everyday, but none of us knew what in the hell he did.

noncommon said...

plie means to bend, and pas de chat is step of the cat. and i still don't know where the task bar is. i'm looking but i......... i'm stupid.

noncommon said...

and do i have a start button? i didn't know that.

BoomBoom said...

Step of the Cat? I LOVE IT!!!!

That would be a great screen name: "Pas de Chat"

Jenny said...

I wish I knew ballet, I know things like... "fan brush", "lavender oil", "red ochre" and "canvas stretcher". Maybe that's not as esoteric as I think.

noncommon said...

it's not what you know but what you do with what you know, you know. yea, you've heard that one before. but hey. i have a degree in art and don't do a damn thing with it. i would love for red ochre and canvas stretcher to part of my daily vocabulary again. if it's still part of yours, you're lucky and i want to see your stuff. and where is the task bar? and the start button? seriously, i'm lost on this.

punkymom said...

I feel like your in my head man, Nick JUST asked me what you did for a living!