Monday, May 08, 2006

Karaoke Gone Terribly Wrong

Bombadee, PunkyMom and I are:

a. screaming in fear as PunkyMom morph’s into a red-eyed monster intent on sucking out our brains
b. about to give birth
c. panicking at the announcement “last call”
d. singing “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” at Bombadee's birthday celebration
e. reacting to the news George W. is trying to overturn the 22nd Amendment

I am beginning to reconsider whether or not my camera will be joining us in Vegas this September.

* Side Note: Thanks to Mr. Blahzeeblah and Mr. Bombadee for pointing out the spelling error on my cake decorating post last week. Apparently Tolkien is not spelled phonetically.


Jenny said...

Bombadee is...

a) Greatful for friends who will humiliate themselves with her

b) Trying to gather enough material to someday blackmail you into moving next door

c) Systematically checking things off her list entitled "Top 100 Dorkiest Poses for a Photo"

d) Not sniffing her armpit

e) Totally taking extra memory to Vegas

noncommon said...

you guys are too too funny. where's the video - i want to hear that shit!

punkymom said...

definately A. because 2x's now you have gotten me up there to do this! and as far as Bombadee's multiple choice definately A also.

Jenny said...

I don't think there's any video... I hope.

BoomBoom said...

Oh no...there's video...screeching, loud, horrible video. But, alas, I do not know how to upload a video (and work blocks them anyway).

noncommon said...


Jenny said...

Oh! That means I have video! I will try and edit and post it. (Jennie left me a birthday file over the weekend).

BoomBoom said...

Yes, that means you do have the video.

I need to learn not to share so much.

BoomBoom said...

One of these days I'm going to post a collage of Bombadee:

-smelling her armpit
-taking a self-portrait up her nose
-sticking her tongue out

I seem to have quite a bit of her in these particular situations.

I have also noticed the number of photos I have of myself with that horrible, drunk-out-of-my-mind stare.

punkymom said...

Gee thanks for telling her this is in video, don't I have to sign some kind of waiver for that to be released on the internet, don't make me take legal action I will sooo Pamela and Tommy you!! Not to mention never Karoke in a bar again.