Friday, April 21, 2006

Practically Perfect in Every Way

I met my nephew Colin this morning and he is gorgeous. 7lbs, 7oz, 18 inches, strawberry blonde hair...simply beautiful. I see much of his older brother Judo Boy in him and he has been blessed with his Mommy's dimple.

He was born at the hospital I work at, so I get the luxury of visiting him several times a day. At lunch I was changing his diaper and should have been prepared for what occurred next, considering I have a son myself. That's right...Aunt Jennie was peed on. Not that I minded, as then I was able to change his clothes and see his skinny legs and ginormous feet.

Life is good.


noncommon said...

oh yes, baby boy pee! many a time over here as well. you've been baptised! (again) pictures? love to see new babies.

Jenny said...

I can't wait to come and peep at him.

Sir Seanface said...
