Now some of you who know me will see a few selections specifically for the girls; Mean Girls and 13 Going on 30. Some Jeff added today; Jarhead and The Longest Yard. A few I added as "rights of passage" for my kids; Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Time Bandits. One was chosen as a direct result of the Bombadee's insistance it is "pee your pants funny"; Old School. Others are simply movies I want to see; The Pillow Book (Ewan...yummy!), Brokeback Mountain (the movie that started this whole thing) and Derailed.
Does anyone else have a suggestion for me? I'm not a big fan of modern day comedies, but am willing to give one a try if you make a good case for it.
-Regret to Inform: Bring the tissue box, you're going to need it.
-The Battle of Algiers: What drives a person to perform a suicide bombing? I'm not a terrorist advocate (having hunted and them myself) but this film gives perspective.
-Antonia's Line: THE ultimate chick flick. Women with power and brains and not bashing men but helping them be better people and taking life on their own terms.
Just the ones off the top of my head and some of my favorites. I'll have more recommendations later.
Looking back I don’t know if Old School was Pee in your Pants funny - Not like the 40 year old Virgin but Dan did have to stand up to laugh when we saw it.
I guess I would suggest “Run Lola Run” (fab art film)
I’d guess that you would like “The Producers” (Farris Bueller and Music)
Please for the sake of us all watch “Napoleon Dynamite” (the girls can watch it too)
If you like slapstick “Dodgeball” was pretty funny it’s kinda kid friendly (lots of lewdness)
More tear jerkers “Rabbit Proof Fence”, “Second Hand Lions”, “Hotel Rwanda”
If your ready for a good mind screw see “Being John Malkovich”
“Secretary” is excellent. James Spader, Maggie Gyllenhaal and sadomasochism– nuff said?
“The Phone Booth” would make a great play – lots of suspense and Collin Ferrel
As long as your renting classic for the kids get them “Them Breakfast Club”
Another very funny one for the kiddies “Rat Race” it has Whoopie Goldberg, Seth Green, Jon Lovits, Rowan Atkinson, and the band Smash mouth
Jenny - The only movie you suggested that I have actually seen is Secretary (YUMMY!). I had seen it several times on the O channel and recently rented it to see what had been cut out for TV. It is MUCH better in its original form.
James Spader = SLURP!
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